It was a beautiful day out in Waterloo Place when I visited the area in April; there was a breeze in the air, and the warm weather in Waterloo Place gave me a reason to relax.

I'm fond of the warm weather wherever I go; it felt like Summer, at that point, already arrived, and the Spring season in April during that day was so beautiful and warm it felt like Summer began earlier than planned.

If there's anything I love about mother nature is her ability to surprise me; she never fails to bring a smile to my face every time.

I love Waterloo Place, and I cannot wait to see more of the area and the beautiful sunny weather!

Alex Smithson

Device Used: iPhone 11
Apps Used: Apple Camera, Apple Photos & Instagram (Free)

Apple Photos Settings:

Filter Used: Vivid Warm

Instagram Settings:

Filter Used: Aden

Lux: +50
Highlights: -50
Shadows: -50
Vignette: +50

ISO Speed: ISO-32
F-Stop: f/1.8
Focal Length: 4.25mm

Date of Photograph Produced: Saturday 23rd April 2021