Monday, February 28, 2022

[New post] Entropy? Thermodynamics? Conservation of energy in other less performing forms? A concept to describe level of uncertainty/disorder (chaos level).

adonis49 posted: " The less uncertain the conditions the more information we can deduce and effectively use? By Matt DiCicco Entropy Explained Entropy is really an essential idea of thermodynamics, which would tell physicists how much disorder there is. Machin"

[New post] Entangled Histories? Palestinian cities of Haifa and Akka. How they are faring under Israel occupation?

adonis49 posted: " Two Cities Across the Bay: Haifa and Akka Entangled Histories  Nadi Abusaada February 23, 2022 The lights, emanating from the neighboring coastal city of Haifa, descend along Mount Carmel steep contours, washing into the Mediterranean Sea, "

[New post] The Blanton Project Revisited

kenneturner posted: " The Blanton Project Cover (Oil Field Girls, 1940, by JerryBywaters) -- Image by kenne In 2009, Borderlands -- Texas Poetry Review published a Special Ekphrastic Poetry Issue. Founded in 1992, Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review was created to r"