Can't believe another year has passed. Let's look at some stats! I will note that some of these stats may be undercounts because wordpress stats has been wonky much of December this year and hasn't been recording any thing it's been tracking for some weeks.
Traffic is down compared to last year. Posts are down a bit (202 this year compared to 209)), and comments are also down.
These are the posts that got the most views in 2022:
Four of these are from 2022 (Last year only two were from 2021!) and, for the first time, the post from students trying to plagiarize a really common composition assignment not only isn't #1, it isn't in the top 10. We have lost the market on plagiarizing a short essay about a relative's wedding. (It still got 480 views though.) Some of our other common standbys are still in the top 10 though (liberty tabletop review, percent vs. percentage point, our parenting philosophy, etc.)
According to our stats, here's another five of the most popular posts from 2022:
Ok, what I'm getting from this is either I have had a really bad year OR there are suddenly a lot more people hate reading us and a lot fewer search engines finding us. Are you hate reading or just sympathetic? Was my year really as terrible as it seems from traffic? Let us know!
Top referring sites were (same sites but slightly different order from last year):
Most visitors came from The United States. Canada & the UK came next. Germany is inching up.
Our most commented post was Add me to the numbers of people who got covid for the first time this past month (note to self for next year: this stat is now hidden under "insights" which is now a tab on site stats) (Thank you previous self! Also, self next year, it's been further hidden in the comments part– you have to scroll down and change to comments by posts and pages where it says comments by authors) (Thank you previous self!)
I can't get the most active commenters for the year, only for what appears to be all time. So what I'm doing is looking at how many pages of comments each person in the top 6 (which is all they show) gave this year (each page has 20 comments) These were the most active commenters of all time, sorted by the number of comments in the past year, but I may be missing newer active commenters or regulars who have changed the email they login with over the years.
1. Debbie M 9 pages
2. Revanche@agaishanlife 9 pages
3. First Gen American 7 pages
4. CG 6 pages
5. Alice 4 pages
6. Bogart 3 pages
Debbie M has a bunch more on that 9th page than Revanche, but it was pretty close.
Yay Debbie M! This means you get to tell us where to donate the proceeds from our most recent month's sales (plus a bump because amazon sales are also way down). Either tell us and link up in the comments (if you want more exposure) or email us at grumpyrumblings at gmail if you want it to be more secret-like.
Any blog commentary or highlights from the grumpy gallery? Also, congratulate Debbie M in the comments.
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