Banned queer books quietly disappear (Paired action: Donate to Donors Choose classroom trying to get LGBT books to kids OR write your local school board/principal/public library to support diverse books. Here's scripts. )  I saw this in action at our local public library... they very briefly had "Who is Ru Paul" on their front page and it quietly disappeared from the catalog.  I made sure to request "Who was Harvey Milk" before it could similarly disappear.

Teacher anti-CRT bills, a state-by-state guide (Paired action: Donate to Donors Choose classroom trying to get diverse books to kids OR write your local school board/principal/public library to support diverse books. Here's scripts. )

Charter schools can't escape gag laws

Shannon Hale with ideas for what you can do in your local district (the replies are also full of ideas).

How police departments hunt down and silence internal whistleblowers to cover up misconduct with impunity.

Parents against mask mandates bombard school districts with sham legal claims

Not sure what to do to help LGBTQ+ kids across the country? This twitter feed from Equality Texas has suggestions for across the country, not just Texas. But Texas kids could also use a little extra support right now.  (See below for more paired actions!)

pep talk by rabbi danya r

Are we all really burning out?

How to make yourself work when you just don't want to

18. Wrote 10 postcards to encourage voters in Indian River, FL to vote by mail through  (Used burgundy vintage Sarasa.)
19. Voted in the Democratic Primary.  (Not much was contested.)
20. Sent around email to undergraduate majors with information on how to vote in the primary and where to find information about the candidates.
21. Sent $25 to Donors choose classroom (not in CA, MA, or NY) that had LGBTQ books
22. Sent $25 to Donors choose classroom (not in CA, MA, or NY) that had LGBTQ books
23. Sent $25 to Donors choose classroom (not in CA, MA, or NY) that had books for trans gender kids.
24. Bought rainbow t-shirt that I plan to wear to work for casual Fridays when it gets here.
25. Donated $25 to Equality Texas.
26. Donated $25 to transtexas (they had "any" as a choice for gender option 🙂 )
27. Donated $25 to The Trevor Project

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