If you're new to my blog, welcome! Here is an explanation of the tater tot post.

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels.com


Why are there no door in dentist's offices? Every dentist I've ever visited does not have a door to the examination room. Why? Is there a reason for this? I even looked it up on the internet, and no one is asking that question. We just go to the dentist and never think about why there aren't any doors on the exam rooms.

Then it made me question if I live in an alternate reality where only I go to dentists with no doors on their examination rooms. Or I'm simply being obtuse and missing a major point.


Last month I read Stephen Levine's book A Year to Live. After finishing the book, I went online and discovered that he died in 2016. I stumbled onto his wife's website and found an incredible page full of apologies. People writing anonymous apologies to loved ones they never got the chance to tell, or perhaps someone they loved died too soon. In any case, it was this lovely online portal full of remorse, love and release. I couldn't wait to share with all of you.

Anyone is welcome to leave an apology. You don't need to be a member or have to sign up. Here is the link:

Levine Talks - Stephen and Ondrea Levine


My friend River said on her blog that she owns a seven-year-old car named Ethel. I, too, have a seven-year-old car, but I've never given her a name.

So I want to enlist your help in naming my car. I'm open to all suggestions.

I read a very tragic story about a family who died while hiking in California in August. Their deaths were a result of heat stress and dehydration, which could've been avoided.

The above graphic was shared on Twitter as part of a conversation about the deceased family, and it is sound advice for anyone, experienced or inexperienced.

So I'm sharing this with all of you in hopes that you'll share it with those you care about that hike or enjoy being outside.

What I'm Reading

The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael A. Singer

I Don't Want to Be An Empath Anymore by Ora North

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Dummies by Rhena Branch and Rob Willson, PhD

Wake Up to the Joy of You: 52 Meditations and Practices for a Calmer, Happier Life by Agapi Stassinopoulos (Thank you for the recommendation, Ally Bean)

I wrote about my TBR list a while ago, but I'm reading the books you recommended out of order. Long story, that I plan to discuss on this week's podcast.

What I'm listening to

I used to love this song, but after hearing it in Nine Perfect Strangers, I fell in love with it all over again. It's taken me this long to discover, after listening to the words, that this song is about meditation.

What I'm watching

Last week, I introduced Ella to Fried Green Tomatoes. She loved it. Idgie in particular. šŸ™‚

What I'm clicking on

The Dark Side of Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa, A Saint or a Fraud? | by Sal Writes | Lessons from History | Medium

Feel the Music—Literally—With Some Help From New Synesthesia Research | Science | Smithsonian Magazine

Burning Bay Leaves Safely for Manifesting a Wish

Who Is the Bad Art Friend? - The New York Times

Stephen King and Matt Groening Retire Their Rock Band After Learning Almost Four Chords | Vanity Fair

Creative Ways to Start Your Morning on a Good Note | Wit & Delight

How to Calm a Panic Attack: Try Sucking Sour Candy, Therapist Says

What I'm quoting

Courtesy Gratefulness.org

Happy November.