Welcome to our 31st Issue •

We are in the midst of the Fall releases and there is still some logistical chaos here in the U.S., with some publisher (& author/photographer) angst. Regretfully all of this is probably going to lead to some price increases for photobooks (actually all books of every kind and sort).

For October we provide a diverse range of photographic book reviews, perhaps a few as potential end of the year gifts. Meanwhile everyone is preparing their list of interesting photobooks for the end of the year. I know we are working on one.


Douglas Stockdale
Senior Editor


Books featured in October 2021:

Michael von Graffenried - Our Town

New Bern, North Carolina, is certainly an interesting town of some 30,000 people. Named after Bern, Switzerland... (more)


Adel Souto - Ad Removal as Modern Art

...after a short preface by Souto, the viewer is left with some 180 unrelenting, unpaginated, full bleed photographs... (more)


Nick Brandt - The Day May Break

The Day May Break is another evolutionary step in his process of investigating the environmental and ecological issues... (more)


Rich-Joseph Facun - Black Diamonds

I once wrote an essay comparing learning a new language being similar to moving to a new town, a journey to get to know... (more)


Roger Bruhn - Nothing To See Here

Photography is at its best when it arouses the viewer's imagination. What, when, where, why – are the questions that can be... (more)


FOTODOK - Pass It On

...the concept for this exhibition was to investigate the FOTODOK central theme for the year; collective memory and… (more)


Henry Mullins I Michelle Sank on the Social Matrix

...the third of a series published by the Societe Jersiasise Photographic Archive, under the Editions Emile imprint, that... (more)


Karen Marshall - Between Girls

Lucky are those who have a group of friends from their childhood that they can still count on way into their later years as... (more)


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