Is it to early to discuss 2022? How you end 2021 with your health, wellness, and fitness goals is how 2022 starts. Don't give up yet this year. To many people let their health go with excuses on no time, to many parties, holiday stress, etc. When January 1, 2022, comes, a switch does not flip that suddenly, you're in top shape and ready to lose 15 pounds by January 7. The momentum you carry into December leads to a successful launch of 2022.

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Going into this month, how have you fared so far? Have you done a blood test with your doctor to see if you're at risk for anything like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, or maybe your hormone levels are off? Establishing a baseline is vital for making the right decisions about your regular food intake and exercise. You could be prediabetic and on the verge of needing insulin because your eating choices are horrendous. Or you could be ready to come off blood pressure medication because you did the work to get your heart working correctly. From experience, I highly suggest getting that blood test done.

Now that you have the information from your blood test, how are the mobility and flexibility in your major joints? The sedentary effects of the pandemic are still raging with WFH, hybrid, or full return to the office. Over a year of lifestyle changes with more connectivity is still impacting low back pain, tension headaches, shoulder pain, and neck pain. Addressing these issues now enables 2022 to start easier with exercise changes for a higher quality of life and enjoyment.

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Working with professionals like me is the best way to ensure you're on the right path for improving your health. Ignorance and fear are the leading causes for people not progressing. I see and hear it often with gym members and clients who have no idea why they do certain exercises and don't do others. People stay with what's comfortable and "safe" as an excuse to cover up their fear of change. You trust a CPA, doctor, and investment advisor, spending money to ensure the correct decisions are made, why not hire a fitness expert? Ask the fitness staff at your health club or gym for a consultation. Find out which expert is best for your goals. Ask a friend for a referral on experts that come to your house. When you want a new dentist, you ask around, do the same for a fitness professional.

The last thing anyone wants is to be on a diet going into the holidays. Mentally you're exhausted before starting. Moderation is the best policy all year. Enjoy your parties and events, just cap them to those few hours and not allow them to spill into consecutive days for no reason. You feel better, look better, and have more energy when you give yourself time to enjoy the moment without guilt. Keep it to that moment and have the discipline to end the party on time and get back to your schedule the next day. This gives you confidence in all areas of life.

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Sign up for my free antioxidant assessment at Let me help you get your eating habits lined up for 2022. The time is now to begin the changes, so you're prepared for a better year with your health and wellness. Knowledge is power, and implementation is the difference maker, I guarantee it.

You don't have to eat cardboard and go through Navy Seal training just to make small adjustments in your lifestyle. Small changes lead to big results over a three-month period, I promise. Stay consistent with them and by March, you can be a different person physically and mentally. Prepare now so you're ahead of the resolution curve. You can be part of the few that last past week two and aren't so sore they cannot move, this is what true athletes in the game of life do.

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Enjoy your holiday season, whatever you celebrate. Cheers to finishing 2021 on high note and starting 2022 with a little momentum for your health. Nobody loads a U-Haul and takes it with them to their funeral. Make an effort to get the most out of life by implementing an overall healthy lifestyle that allows for celebrations and good times. In the end, the happiness is what we want to remember the most.

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