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The topic of today's podcast is the book writing process and how it's going. If you've ever wanted to or have written a book, the easiest part of the process is writing the book.

Insert maniacal laughter.

I discuss in the podcast that I am submitting query letters to literary agents who I believe would be a good fit for my book until January. If I don't hear back from anyone by March, I'll start the self-publishing process.

I go on to explain what a literary agent is, what a query letter looks like, why I want my book published, and the agent I fell in love with who is living my ideal life.

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I also go over the process of self-publishing, so if you're a writer who has ever considered writing or self-publishing a book, I have some resources to share with you or pass on to someone you know who might be interested. If anything, I hope to help other writers who lack connections or are just starting out.

Here are some links to articles that have been really useful to me during this process:

Start Here: How to Get Your Book Published | Jane Friedman

Start Here: How to Self-Publish Your Book | Jane Friedman

These two links will take you to websites where you can find literary agents:

Search for Literary Agents | QueryTracker

Genre/Name Search | The Official Manuscript Wish List Website

Photo by Marta Dzedyshko on

If you want to self-publish but don't want to do all of the work yourself, consider the following:

The Limelight Package! – Limelight Publishing

Professional Services to Format, Publish & Sell Books | Lulu

Have you ever wanted to write a book?


Have you ever written a book?

If so, do you have any tips?