The NSF Predictive Intelligence for Pandemic Prevention (PIPP) program is holding two Virtual Office Hours to answer questions and provide additional insight into the PIPP Phase I: Development Grant (NSF 21-590) solicitation. A team of NSF program directors from CISE, BIO, ENG, and SBE will be present to answer any questions about this planning grant solicitation. 

Virtual Office Hours are: 

  • Thursday, September 2nd, at 2:00 pm EST 
  • Friday, September 10th, at 3:00 pm EST 

Please use this link to join us for the office hours: 

One tap mobile: US: +16692545252,,1616681112# or +16468287666,,1616681112#  

Meeting ID: 161 668 1112 
Passcode: 052311 

A one-page summary of your proposed work can also be sent to the PIPP team ( for feedback. With the deadline rapidly approaching, we encourage the community to reach out to us both with your project summaries and questions, and by attending the office hours above. 

Remember, proposals for PIPP phase I: Development Grants, are due on October 1st, 2021!  

The Predictive Intelligence for Pandemic Prevention initiative, is aimed at better understanding the dynamic nature of pathogen and disease emergence, which poses a continuing risk to our national security, health, and economic stability. The solicitation builds on a series of interdisciplinary workshops held this past year, and provides support for planning activities that identify interdisciplinary grand challenges that can only be overcome through an the integration of computational, biological, engineering, and social/behavioral approaches; propose novel conceptual research and technology developments aimed at overcoming those challenges; and formulate interdisciplinary teams to conduct that work.