The last few days have been mostly sunny, cool in the morning and at least not quite so humid. The creatures seen in the park haven't been anything spectacular but just interesting with a few notable events. One of the notables was a Great Blue Heron dropped a fish. I've seen this happen maybe once before in several years of watching them catch fish. The other notable thing is that the number of insects (except mosquitos) is getting smaller.

Heron with fish, it had stabbed it with its beak thus it was necessary to work the fish off of its beak.
It seemed to be working the fish off of is beak when it apparently slipped too far and fell off into the water. The heron did poke around a bit looking for it but didn't get a second chance.
This Spiny Orb Weaver was working on a new web this morning. I assume it's the same one that has had its web across the trail for the last several days.
The prairie is beautiful. Yellow flowers of several varieties. This is on the south side of the trail.
There is a section on the north side of the prairie where the prairie grass has started to rapidly grow over the last week or two. Most of what is seen is at least head high and some higher than that.
This little leaf hopper isn't new but in the photograph a couple of observations. One is the continuation of the black stripe around its head including across its eyes. The second is that its using only four legs with the other two tucked against its body. Are the unused ones those that are spring loaded?
A small group of teenagers and does munching on tree leaves at the edge of the lake.
The forest in a drop of water. It really does look like the drop of water contains another, much smaller world.
'Murder On The Yellow Flower Blossom'. The corpse of a moth is in the foreground. The Assassin Bug lurks by the center of the flower. Observed closely, hairs as might be found on the moth are on the assassin bug. Further, a couple of summers ago I saw an assassin bug take down a moth about this size. Conclusion, the assassin bug killed and sucked dry the moth.
A Paper Wasp gathering wood fiber. A guess is that the gouge out of the post represents is wood collection work over the summer.
A small orange butterfly.
The last seeds to leave.
A flower petal on sedge seeds.
An interesting mushroom. Looked through which includes 'small' pictures of 1000+ Wisconsin mushrooms. It's quite likely there but it wasn't apparent.
A Great Blue Heron on Mallard Lake fishing in a small section of open water.
A fly feeding on pollen.