This was one of those "stop the car, back up" moments as we drove into a wildlife management area and Ted spotted an odd movement.

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Peaking Out of Duck Box

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Peaking Out of Duck Box

About then Ted spotted a second duck in the tree above that was quick to fly up onto a nearby stump and show off his pink feet.

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck

These Black-bellied Whittling Ducks are quite striking with that white wing stripe setting off the brown and black of the body.

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck

This one spent quite a few minutes poking at the top of the stump. I'm not sure what he was doing, they are mostly vegetarians but will eat insects so he may have been looking for a snack.

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck

Donnelley Wildlife Management Area, SC
August 29, 2021