When asked to pick their lucky number, most people would not choose the number eight unless you are Chinese, of course. In the math world, it's not even considered a "prime" number or a "perfect" number. But, on the night of the triple-eights (888), there was plenty of magic at Conroe's The Corner Pub. Some might say it was even spiritual, as in a new beginning. Mean Gene Kelton showcased his many talents helping to make August 8, 2008, not just another day. Only time will tell the significance of this day, but I can't help but feel that something was coming to completion and a new cycle was beginning.

I have seen Gene perform many times over the years. Whether doing Elvis covers or his own songs, Gene always pours himself into the music. This Friday evening was no exception. However, on this evening, there was something more that seemed to signal a harmonious breakthrough to a new level. Call it well balanced; pleasant; congruous; agreeable; or friendly, it was the harmonious result of fusing electric with acoustic together, resulting in a "perfect figure eight."

As I have often done, I spent the evening taking photos of Gene and the band. (Joy claims that I have more photos of Gene than I do of our grandchildren.) But, on this evening, I was also using my new video camera, which means that I'm now trying to cram into a few weeks what has taken many years of photography skill development. I'm using Final Cut Express to edit the video and sound, but much is lost when compressed for the web. Regardless, I have provided a link to "Mean Gene Kelton at The Corner Pub." Although shot in color, I desaturated the color because I like the effect of the Pub venue.

Your comments are most welcomed.

-- Kenne

(Photo Set)

P.S. I want to thank Kathy and Bob for being our guests.  It's always a pleasure to introduce friends to Mean Gene Kelton and the Die Hards.