Another Season At Folk Field

Saturday started another season at Folk Field for me. Last fall we did not have soccer, but I was able to get to a couple of matches in the spring. Right now we are back on track with a full season of home games. Thursday night hopefully we will get our first Folk Field sunset of the year. I am not working that game, but I will head out just for that sunset. Here is my gallery from the match on Saturday.

The Emotion

There is not a lot of scoring usually in soccer. When a goal is scored though it is a big deal and you get to see some great emotion. When the player turns your way after scoring a goal it is always a great thing. I was lucky that all of that happened in the first half Saturday.

What A Crazy Year Already

This has been an interesting year. This week started with playoff baseball. It then quickly flipped to fall sports with me getting my feet wet in football, soccer, and volleyball. Of course none of those fall sports were real games yet so the emotion was not quite there. As the real seasons start so does the emotion. This is always a very fun time of year. This year it feels a little different as there really isn't a plan in place. For right now I plan on just going where the jobs are. Saturday was already an example of that. I had planned on being at the Harrison soccer matches, but the Purdue job popped up during the week. I usually like to plan a little more, but with the virus I have learned to just roll with what comes.

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