Macro Fun With The Sunflower

I have posted some photos on the blog before of the sunflowers that have come up around where my feeders used to be. This year with no feeders up the birds have had to rely on nature far more than normal. These sunflowers that are not normally in the yard have become a great source of food for many species. I was just checking it out when this bee came in to photobomb the flower. It made for an interesting photo though.

All Over The Place

This blog is nearly ten years old. In that time all kinds of photos have appeared on this site. Early on I was in the process of making a photo a day for a year. I would just photograph anything that I could to keep that thing going. I made my goal, and then took it easy for a while. I still love making photos though so I am constantly finding ways to make new photos. My photography is not really specialized, but I have fun doing it. I like that you never really know what you will find on this blog from day to day.

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