The closet door in my studio has notecards with project ideas. I am (disturbingly) organized about this: new project ideas are on pink notecards and those are all taped along the left-hand side of the door. And then, as the project develops or my ideas change, I write updates on green cards that are taped next to the corresponding pink one. And the notes are always (always!!) written in Sharpie. And then, when a project is either finished are has languished for a long time, the pink-and-green cards are accordioned together and taped in a grid at the top of the closet door.

All of this ridiculousness to say that car washes are, in fact, listed specifically on a green card and that green card ties back to a pink card with a wonderful project title* (because sometimes I get the title first).

Maybe you wish you didn't know this about me. Too late, now, though...

Alpine, Texas
photographed 6.12.2021

*No, I am not going to say the project title. I once had a delightfully funny photograph title stolen from me before I could even use it. Not that I think any of YOU would do that, I did learn my lesson.