On Friday, 7/30/21, I had the remarkable opportunity to watch as two White Tailed Deer families interacted. One family was a mother and one faun. The other was a mother and two fauns. The two fauns were (it appeared) slightly younger than the single faun.

This wonderful experience started when a fellow walker said she had seen two fauns laying in the grass near the alluvial pond. We walked other there and found a mother and single faun walking toward the pond (which at this point has no water in it). The mother of the two fauns was nearby eating leaves. As we watched the pair of fauns stood up and came over to where the mother and single faun were. What resulted was 20 minutes or so of the two families interacting and getting to know each other.

The mother and single faun entering the alluvial pond grassy area..
The single faun wondering what humans are.
One of the pair of fauns stood up and realized it had company.
The mother and single faun
The the single faun on one of the faun pair come together with some hesitancy.
They decide it's okay to be together.
The single faun's mother didn't seem too thrilled with the having other fauns around.
The more forward of the pair of fauns seemed to pay its respects to the mother and she was okay with their presence.
Meanwhile the second of the pair of fauns came over to say 'hi' to its sibling.
They looked over to see if the single faun wanted to go explore with them.
All three wandered off into the area of the alluvial pond.
By some message the fauns were told it was time to get back to their mothers
The single faun and its mother started to move away toward the trees; the faun pair looked like kids look when a friend has to go home.
Finally the mother of the faun pair came over to round them up and head for the woods. She had been close by munching on leaves while all the socialization was happening.

This interaction between the two White Tailed Deer families was wonderful to watch and in a way be a part of if only as an observer.