I've wanted this for so long because I understood it as an obligation that we tie our feelings to regardless of what they might be  and I recognized the care that comes out of the obligation  as a most precious anchor to tie on to.   At your most recent emergency room visit,  I stood by your side  with a warm hand on your back  and allowed you to writhe in pain and dizziness  while I eyed the front desk with a diligent ear sword at the ready daring anyone or anything to try to harm you.   At my most recent emergency room visit  you were disgusted at the thought that I would try to drive myself  regardless of the early hour  and you were quick to get on the phone  slam your fists onto the reception desk  as I sobbed quietly into my lap because I was not being helped fast enough.   It is through these small acts of selflessness that I am beginning to understand the notion that one is able to go faster on their own,  but fail to get nearly as far. 

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