Covers from 7.11.21 through 7.31.21                     [[I haven't finished a book for 2 wks — writing!]]


I own 2 of these items. I watched 7 things on Instagram/Youtube/via streaming. Baltimore County Public Library system supplied 5 of the books. Libraries outside of Baltimore County, via Inter-Library Loan, supplied the other 1 item.



  1. Reflections from 8 Patternmakers, edited by Louisa Owen Sonstroem
  2. The Savvy Seamstress by Nicole Mallalieu



  1. Day Zero by Kelly deVos
  2. The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang // MC and author are both autistic women //



  1. Art Sex Music by Cosey Fanni Tutti
  2. Making Living Lovely by Russell Whitehead and Jordan Clure
  3. Uncommon Grammar Cloth [poetry] by Cheryl Pallant
  4. The Pattern Seekers by Simon Baron-Cohen //Given his previous writings, I fully expected him to mention 0 women. He surprised me with one: Greta Thunberg. By contrast, there were 35 men, named, and gushed over, before I quit reading halfway-ish through. Also, GENDER IS NOT A BINARY. //


~ AO3 Fanfics ~

  • Harry Potter  // read 126 works; 3,929,792 words


Films & TV:

  1. Auntie Edna, directed & written by Ted Mathot
  2. Echo in the Canyon, directed & co-written by Andrew Slater
  3. McCartney 3 2 1, directed by Zachary Heinzerling
  4. Monsters at Work, season 1
  5. Never Have I Ever, season 1
  6. This Is Pop, season 1
  7. Loki ~ 1.03 — 1.06


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