One elephant in the room - heat emissions from non carbon sources.

So - you wonder why Global Warming will continue regardless of fossil fuel reduction:

  1. Radiators - leaving them on during the Spring & Summer
  2. Heat Exhausts from Air conditioning
  3. Lights on all night in empty buildings - even eco bulbs emit heat
  4. Food cooking at longer and longer times due to over use of processed ingredients
  5. Computing cooling not effective, along with Xboxes, Playstations etc
  6. Public sector leaving lights and heating on during holidays and at night.....
  7. Road lighting polluting the night sky
  8. Preventing Rivers from meandering and cooling by excessive use of over insulating building material
  9. Not using cool lighting sources
  10. Overcharging Computers, Mobile phones, etc etc

Could go on for ever -

If your cold in the summer - get a jumper or a fleece, doesn't matter if your electricity is green, the thermal radiation will contribute to permafrost melting

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