💖 Hearts a flutter beat

😎 Loved golden sunshine dazzles

🌈 Rainbows paint sweet dreams

💖 Lonely hearts reach out

😎 Love's magic spells blindly cast

🌈 Romance radiant fades 

What is emojiku?

The emojiku came about by Cindy Georgakas and Goff playing emoji tennis in the WP comments box. It was a natural step to take it one stage further and develop from being just a fleeting form of discourse into something more poetically constructive.

An emojiku is a hybrid poetic form, and is similar in format to a haiku / senryū or haiga.

In the case of an emojiku the source image is an emoji. The emojiku is made up of three different emoji. Each emoji being the inspiration for one line of the short poem.

The process of creating an emojiku begins by a blogger sending three different emoji to a fellow blogger.

The second blogger responds by writing their emojiku and forwarding it back to the original blogger; who, in turn responds by writing a counterpoint emojiku using the same emoji images.

Emojiku Attribution – Cindy Georgakas – Goff James

Copyright (c) 2022 Cindy Georgakas & Goff James – All Rights Reserved

Join in the emojiku fun and share 

Please keep your prompt responses family-friendly. Disrespectful and inappropriate comments will not be responded to and removed immediately.

To participate use the three emoji prompts  💖  😎  🌈 and place your response in my Comments Box

Thank you for your visit


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