RIP, Betty Davis (1945–2022), Black American singer and songwriter; Carmen Herrera (1915–2022) Cuban-American abstract painter; Aintzane Legarreta "A. L." Mentxaka (d. 2022), Basque scholar, writer, and queer activist in Ireland; Dóra Ólafsdóttir (1912–2022), oldest Icelander ever [for ~7 weeks];


Covers from 1.24.22 through 2.27.22                    


I/we own 4 of these items. I watched 7 things via streaming/Instagram/YouTube. Baltimore County Public Library system supplied 9 of the books. Libraries outside of Baltimore County, via Inter-Library Loan, supplied the other 6 items.


Fashion & Fiber Arts:

  1. Ethnic Dress by Frances Kennett [1995] – //sections on North America and Europe only//
  2. Interpreting Themes in Textile Art by Els van Baarle and Cherilyn Martin
  3. Ottoman Embroidery by Marianne Ellis and Jennifer Wearden [2001]
  4. Radical Sewing by Kate Weiss
  5. Resilient Stitch by Claire Wellesley-Smith
  6. Textile Nature by Anne Kelly
  7. The Way We Wed: A Global History of Wedding Fashion by Kimberly Chrisman-Campbell


Fashion & Fiber Arts ~~Videos~~:

  • I Wear Historical Fashion Daily … Here's What's in My Wardrobe by V. Birchwood
  • Inkle Weaving – Baltic Style Pickup by Rachel Vence [2018]
  • Save ₤$€ on Historical Fabrics by V. Birchwood


Tansy Hargan's online courses ~

  • From Sketchbook to Wall [recorded: Mar 2021] ~ Lessons 1-6
  • Finding Your Colour Voice [live: Feb 2022] ~ completed Exercises 1-3



  1. A Room Called Earth by Madeleine Ryan {author is autistic}
  2. Axiom's End by Lindsay Ellis
  3. Heidi by Johanna Spyri {childhood favorite} [originally published in 1881]
  4. Manhattan Beach by Jennifer Egan
  5. Things You Save in a Fire by Katherine Center



  1. The Anti-Racist Writing Workshop by Felicia Rose Chavez
  2. Charles Robinson [19th c. English book illustrator] by Leo de Freitas [1976]
  3. Syllabus by Lynda Barry



  1. Asymmetry by Adam Zagajewski, translated from Polish by Clare Cavanagh
  2. Hapax by A. E. Stallings


~ AO3 Fanfics ~

  • Harry Potter  // read 78 works; 3,081,281 words


Films & TV:

  1. Brave, directed by Mark Andrews
  2. Splash, directed by Ron Howard [1984]
  3. 8 Days a Week, directed by Ron Howard
  4. WKRP in Cincinnati ~ 1.01-1.03


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