[New post] Are you struggling to locate your destiny and finding your purpose?
Kirk posted: " I think this more about a 'how' than a 'what'. How shall we live vs. what shall we specifically do. One should lead to the other. Like any big endeavor, we are wise to start with our destination, our overarching goal. Dr. Evans gives us some good advice "
I think this more about a 'how' than a 'what'. How shall we live vs. what shall we specifically do. One should lead to the other. Like any big endeavor, we are wise to start with our destination, our overarching goal. Dr. Evans gives us some good advice here:
Many people struggle today to locate their destiny. They spend so much time looking for the plan, the purpose, and the calling, they forget where all of that originates. It originates in God Himself. If you can't find your destiny, don't go searching for it—go searching for God. Deepen your relationship with Him, spend time with Him… He's the connection you need because He's the One who already knows what you want to know. He knows your destiny, and as you connect with Him as your Source for all things, you will also tap into the full force of your purpose.
Tony Evans, Called for a purpose
The following verse is so critical to our success and in particular, discovering our destiny and pursuing our purpose:
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
Matthew 6:33 NKJV
I think the NLT version often pairs well with the more literal versions.
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
Matthew 6:33 NLT
When we allow, when we seek God first and foremost, then He will lavish us with all the ancillary stuff including directions to our destiny.
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