Tuesday, November 30, 2021

[New post] Creepy Old Photos

Markosun posted: " "

[New post] Time For A Break

Walt Page, The Tennessee Poet posted: " Time For A Break I love writing poetry. Since my poetic journey started 4 years ago, I have written and posted 1705 poems on my blog. I have been published in 2 Vita Brevis Anthologies and one of my poems will be published in their upcoming 3rd ant"

[New post] Novembre 2021.

Tra Italia e Finlandia posted: " Un mese nelle mie foto. Anche Novembre e' stato tutto sommato piuttosto tiepido,  in Finlandia,  solo in questi ultimi giorni fa piu' freddo.  Abbiamo avuto temperature sopra le medie del periodo e giornate (o mezze giornate) in cui abbiamo visto il sole"

[New post] OTR Links 12/01/2021

dougpete posted: " The Best of Ontario Educators 7 Daily The Best of Ontario Educators 7 is out! - https://t.co/1eGQZ1Fexe Special thanks to @MeaghanBurden @amelialibertuc1 #learning #education — Doug Peterson (@dougpete) Nov 30, 2021"

[New post] Advent, Day 4

Victoria Emily Jones posted: " Shower, O heavens, from above,    and let the skies rain down righteousness;let the earth open, that salvation may spring up,    and let it cause righteousness to sprout up also;    I the LORD have created it."