Palden posted: " The Judaean Desert, Palestine I was in hospital yesterday, Monday. I've been ill for two weeks, and four days ago it got a lot worse. I was exhausted, in pain, fatigued and raked out. My stalwart helper Penny took me down to Penzance hospital on S"
I was in hospital yesterday, Monday. I've been ill for two weeks, and four days ago it got a lot worse. I was exhausted, in pain, fatigued and raked out. My stalwart helper Penny took me down to Penzance hospital on Sunday evening where, after the customary endurance test of waiting too long, a rather brilliant young doctor prescribed me antibiotics. Although I really dislike antibiotics, and have had to rebuild my biotic system over the last year since the last load, I knew I was in real danger, and it would be necessary to nuke it. Modern medicine is good in crises.
For me, it's a matter of strength of spirit too. Recently I've been getting worn out, and my survival capacity has been flagging. In recent months I've been struggling somewhat with circumstances around me, and when the illness started I wasn't strong. As the two weeks of illness progressed, I was getting exhausted. As it happened, Lynne was ill at her home too (much from overwork, and if there were a proper allowance for family and friend carers, such as £500 per month, down from the £1,500 that professional care would cost, it would make such a difference for her and for me).
In post-lockdown Britain we've gone back to the 'no time' syndrome - the basic psychosocial cause of the care crisis - which, for many people needing care and support, means we just have to sort ourselves out quite a lot, whether or not we actually can or should.
I am still shielding - being on immunosuppressants, I have to avoid infection. Some people don't respect this, and one person who is most likely to have given me the infection is one of those. But, on the other hand, people who are more mindful of infection tend not to visit at all. Then, some people over-care and want to help too much, and this is awkward, when all I need is friendship - and if I need anything I shall say so. Some people chatter too much, and when they see me get tired they suddenly leave - when really I just need them to slow down, accept my different states of being, and simply be here with me, or even bring their knitting. Much of the time I don't need fixing, healing or helping - I'd just like some company.
But as an astrologer, I know this is part of my deeper process too. Those of you who are astrologically literate will probably chuckle when you hear the major transit I'm on: Neptune opposition Saturn. It's a test of spirit, a state of adversity, a loss of control, an uphill grind, and... you're on your own with it, whether you like it or not. The fascinating thing is that, even though I was quite well set up in my life circumstances, in the end, and at the time I needed help, circumstances had it that I had to go through it alone. And here's the rub: on a deep level, I manifested this. It's me, my pattern. Realising this instead of complaining about it, I began to make a turn-around.
Within a day I was in the hands of the young doctor in Penzance, probably Indian, who referred me to the Royal Cornwall hospital at Treliske, Truro, 45 miles away. Yesterday, when I told the doctors at Treliske (one Irish and one Russian) what he had prescribed for me, their eyebrows rose, and they said he'd done exactly the right thing. This is the other side of the Neptune transit: my guardian angels were with me.
Although it was hard (mostly involving waiting, again) at Treliske, some quite remarkable things happened. In hospitals, there are a lot of people in pain or an altered state, and to some extent they are helpless. Some of the conversations I had were remarkable, and I was able to bring some people something to think about, or a smile, or a shift of mood - and they to me. The nurses and doctors were amazing too. The Nigerian x-ray technician was surprised when I asked where in Nigeria he came from. "No one ever asks me that", he said, pensively, "They just think, 'Ah, he comes from Africa'". He came from Kano in the north, so I greeted him in the Islamic way. Here's this lovely black guy in Cornwall, an overwhelmingly white region, and his face lit up.
There was a guy in the A&E waiting room who was under guard of two police. They'd brought him in for a post-arrest injury check. The guy couldn't handle it - he was a laddish guy, physically quite powerful, who solves every issue with a fag and a can of beer, or a flailing fist. He was really in difficulty - he couldn't face himself and his situation. Others moved away but I didn't. Eventually, after an outburst, I eyeballed him with my rather penetrating eyes and said, "I'm a smoker too". He was surprised. I had him nailed. "And I'd like a smoke too. But it's not going to happen." He went quiet.
Then I said: "I sat in jail once and it was a real shock. But, d'you know what? It was a turning point in my life. It made me make promises to myself about how my future was going to be." Pause. "And good luck, matey, and I really hope this is a turning point for you." At that very moment a nurse came out, calling my name, and I hobbled off with her for a walk down a few endless corridors.
Later, one of the police asked me, "So what have you been doing in your life to be able to do that?". I told him this guy was easy compared to some Israeli settlers. I also said that meditators like me would say this guy had a restless monkey-mind - he couldn't face himself, couldn't just sit. So I addressed his monkey-mind and the guy was stunned that this stranger was giving him attention and speaking to him sympathetically. It changes the agenda and shifts the monkey-mind into a different gear. "My wife says things like that - she does yoga", said the policeman.
Tuwani, a settler-harassed village south of Hebron
So, I've been going through another chapter of soul-education. On the one side, life has been really hard, and my batteries were getting low, and I was in danger. On the other, I was being given some really meaningful interactions that lit me up. Particularly concerning one thing: I'm an inbuilt social activist and humanitarian and I've been really missing it. I miss the engagement, the interactions, the risks, the full-on challenges. But now I cannot mix with people easily and I cannot travel. I've been crying tears over this recently. Yet here I was being reminded that, although in recent years I've been focused on Palestine and the Tuareg in Mali, humanity is everywhere in need. In our society, hospitals, police and first-responder situations form the frontline. And from a soul-education viewpoint, the people involved, as victims or as rescuers, are at the deep end of human experience.
And here's another rub: we all have our stories, but every one of us will visit this frontline personally, sooner or later. This place of vulnerability and dependency. How we deal with it very much affects our experience of it and what we gain from it as an evolving soul. Ultimately, it concerns dying. It concerns facing our stuff. It's best to do this ahead of need. But if we don't, when we're faced with it, it's good to roll with it and use the experience to clarify something deep and profound - life-secrets that we often don't get until we're really flat on our backs and helpless.
So today I am back home, still fatigued, still quite unwell, though something is turning round. I must return to Treliske next Monday for an assessment. The last two weeks have been really hard. You'll get a sense of this in my next podcast, recorded from bed in the depths of this crisis a few days ago. My hope and intention is to keep blogging and podding until I no longer can. After that, it will depend either on your psychic capacities or on someone doing some blogging and podding for me.
Two old Bedouin meet a Palestinian Christian, Bethlehem
But there's more life to be lived first. I've been reminded that I'm in the lap of the gods, and all plans and statements about the future are provisional. Lynne and I have both been floored and bedded, 100 miles from each other - a strange solidarity of such kindred souls. And Penny has been a star: driving to Truro twice in one day is not the greatest of pleasures. As for me, I seem to have got through another crunch - though there were times I began to wonder.
God bless the doctors and nurses: they're overstretched and they handle it well, but once they get to your case they can be brilliant. I really liked the Irish doctor. Once he'd done his doctoring duties he voiced concerns over Brexit. I told him that, on behalf of my fellow countrypeople, I wished to apologise to him and his fellow Irishfolk for the way we have seriously let them down. Again. He took it with a smile.
One thing I found interesting was that, though they all practiced due diligence, the doctors and nurses did not seem anxious about Covid. In fact, as I was leaving in the late afternnon, I was asked, almost in passing, whether I'd had the jab or not, and the nurse who asked seemed quite unworried when I said I hadn't.
As I say in my podcasts: thanks for being with - there's more to come.
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