Edwin B Forsythe Wildlife Sanctuary, New Jersey, Nature
Natural Wonders

"We need the tonic of wildness...We can never have enough of nature."

Henry David Thoreau

Last week I mentioned that the milkweed pods in my post were from a visit to the Edwin B. Forsythe Wildlife Sanctuary in Absecon, New Jersey. As promised I'm including additional images of that beautiful place in this week's response to Amy's "A Day of My Week" challenge. The day in my subject week was in early October as my husband and I returned to New Jersey for a family wedding

Edwin B Forsythe Wildlife Sanctuary, egrets, three, New Jersey
Three Little Birds

"Something will have gone out of us as a people if we ever let the remaining wilderness be destroyed."

Wallace Stegner

The refuge protects over 47,000 acres in one of the Atlantic Flyway's most active bird flight paths. It is one of 555 refuges designed and maintained by the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service to protect wildlife habitat. The vast majority of the sanctuary is salt marsh, home to the fish and other creatures that attract the birds. It also provides a natural buffer to protect nearby communities from the effects of coastal storms.

Edwin B Forsythe Wildlife Sanctuary, atlantic city, NJ, birds, nature
Hard to Believe

"Like music and art, love of nature is a common language that can transcend political or social boundaries."

Jimmy Carter

One of the amazing things about this glorious natural resource is its proximity to Atlantic City - more frequently known for its casinos, its boardwalk, and the Miss America Pageant. Having lived in New Jersey for many years, I was familiar with the state's coastline, but had never heard of this place. I began to understand how Dorothy must have felt upon landing in Oz!

Edwin B Forsythe Wildlife Sanctuary, reeds, waterways, New Jersey
Regal Reeds

"I like this place and could willingly waste my time in it."

William Shakespeare

I must give kudos to the TripAdvisor app I often use when traveling. The sanctuary came up in their "Things To Do Nearby". I was skeptical about the possibility of a natural wonder close by, but since we had time before the wedding, we decided to give it a try. Happily I could not have been more wrong! Not only is the preserve beautiful, but it offers an 8-mile, one-way unpaved road that meanders through the wetlands and woodlands. The birds are unbothered by the cars, which travel VERY slowly with many pull-out opportunities. They paid no attention to us whatsoever.

Edwin B. Forsythe wildlife Sanctuary, flying birds, wetlands, New Jersey
Taking Flight

"Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts." 

Rachel Carson

As I was happily photographing last week's pods, my husband chatted with a nearby sanctuary employeey. It was this friendly and informative gentleman who pointed us toward the dirt road, which we'd otherwise have missed. I was beside myself with the nature along the road, so much so that I soon began to panic that we'd miss the wedding which was the real reason for our journey! We then became the only car driving over 5 miles-per-hour, passing several vehicles along the way. I'm sure they wondered about the idiots in the fast-moving car and why we'd bothered to visit if not to appreciate the incredible wildlife and scenery!

Atlantic City, reflection
Natural Reflection of Man's Creation

"I am glad I will not be young in a future without wilderness."

Aldo Leopold

I must admit I was disappointed not to have had my Fuji gear with me once I realized the wonders that day. On the other hand, it's true that the best camera is the one you have with you, and I was lucky to have just upgraded my i-phone. While the images are not what might have resulted from better equipment, I was happy to have at least some ability to record this incredible place.

Edwin B Forsythe Wildlife Sanctuary, New Jersey, nature
The Simplicity of Nature

"Nature is pleased with simplicity. And nature is no dummy"

Isaac Newton

Sincere thanks to Amy for the opportunity to share our marvelous day amidst the wonders of nature. We look forward to seeing your choices this week. Be sure to link them to Amy's original here, and to use the Lens-Artists Tag to help us find you. We thank you for sharing your wonderfully weird entries last week, and hope you'll join us next week right here on Travels and Trifles as we explore Interesting Architecture. Until then, as always please stay safe and be kind.

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