Can't run forever.

In the Dark Season 1 Review (Top 10 2019). In the Dark Season 2 Review.

The third season of In the Dark follows Murphy (Perry Mattfeld) and her friends Jess (Brooke Markham), Felix (Morgan Krantz) and Max (Casey Diedrick) as they attempt to move on with their lives after killing Nia and Ben in the previous season. Murphy obsession with not getting caught however leads the four to seek new identites and start again in Canada, hoping to evade Detective Gene (Matt Murray) and Josh (Theodore Bhat), who has hecome hellbent on stopping Murphy. The four purchase new identies and cross the border, promising to meet up again in a year's time.

Shortly after arriving however Jess is kidnapped, leaving Murphy completely stranded. Murphy attempts to reunite with Felix and Max, eventually ending up staying with Felix's sister Leslie (Marianne Rendón). Although Felix and Max believe that Jess is probably dead Murphy pushes on, eventually figuring out that Jess' new identity Jennifer Walker was once a missing person herself. Murphy theorises that whoever took Jess assumed she was Jennifer, meaning all she has to do to find Jess is find Jennifer. Can Murphy track down Jess whilst also avoiding the police herself or has she gotten herself in way too deep this time?

Having Jess missing for the majority of the season really changed the show's tone and made for an interesting watch. She did leave for a while in season two but we as the audience knew where was then, this was different. As a viewer we had no idea if was alive, dead, in trouble or on the run- it was a complete mystery. This obviously took a toll on the rest of the characters and massively shifted the group dynamic, Jess is in many ways the glue that holds them together. There were actually times when I wished Jess was dead because of how much it would inpact Murphy, I think it would have been morbidly interesting to see? Nevertheless I did like the direction the show headed in, it made a lot of sense for Jess' character and I'm intriuged to see her role in season 4 (if she does return).

Murphy definitely isolated herself this season, pushing everybody away that was close to her. In her desperation to find Jess she managed to completely detach from reality, going as far as talking to an imaginary Jess in her head. Because Felix and Max were so adament that Jess was dead, Murphy broke away from them, going on to find Jess by herelf. On the one hand her dedication is admirable but at the same time I feel like she's close to a point of no return. You can only go so long treating people like Murphy does before you're conpletely alone and she's really getting close. I really think she needs to start valuing the people in her life more.

Despite her less than welcoming personality at times Murphy really is a pretty smart person and it was impressive how she was able to track down Jess. A lot of time her desperation to find her friend made her act rashly but when it came down to it Murphy was the only person who could have found her. Even after Felix and Max had given up, Murphy pushes forward, interviewing those connected to Jennifer and finding leads that even the Police couldn't, it really was impressive. A lot of time in this show Murphy is percieved as lazy but she really shined in season 3, she was running rings around the police force.

I really like some of the new characters this season as well as the expanded roles of some older characters. I liked seeing more of Trey (Dewshane Williams) and how he eventually joined Murphy's side so to speak, his relationship with her was definitely interesting. I also liked how Detectives Barnes (Ana Ayora) was brought back into the fold, esoecially consisering her relationship with Darnell (Keston John) and how it complicates things for her. Marianne Rendón as Felix's sister Leslie was also a great addition to the show, her dynamics with Felix and Max is great and I really hope she sticks around in season 4, she's an interesting character.

Overall I enjoyed this third season of In the Dark. The storyline of Jess' disappearance was definitely interesting and whilst I didn't expect it to be season long, it dod change the show's dynamic a lot. With Jess gone (and presumed dead) Murphy completely shuts down, lashing out at the others and focussing soely on getting her back. I'll admit Murphy is a very clever character but at the same time she's very unsociable. I think this third season was very different tonally to the first two and I'm excited to see what happens next.

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