Autumn View of The Peaks of Otter Original oil painting SOLD

Wall Art Prints and Prints on just about anything are available at this link

Workaholics never learn. I did too much lifting yesterday and not only did I hurt my back but the strenuous effort caused vessels in my right eye to break so now the eye is half covered in blood. Looks awful.

This happened a long time ago when I did the same thing and was so relieved to hear from my ophthalmologist that the strain was what caused the vessels to break. It was a scary thing to see blood in my eye in the mirror since no one punched me.

Anyway, I am so pleased to sell another Blue Ridge Parkway painting to a great Virginia Beach patron. I spoke with her after it was delivered and she loves it! She is considering purchasing others.

As always wall art prints and prints on just about anything are available with the link. I am just going to leave the paintings up from the last blog to save on some eye strain but be sure to look at my latest video below. A little Halloween fun!

Star City Whirl Original 12" x 9" acrylic painting $270

Memphis Green Original 12" x 9" acrylic painting $270.00;frs=1

Memphis Light

More print selections on Zazzle! Here is my second most popular Skyline Beauty painting of Memphis TN on a Christmas ornament

I certainly did not have a smile on my face yesterday. Yikes!