Yesterday morning (8/9/21) was rainy. There was enough wind to make an umbrella only partially effective. However, the animals live with the rain and continue searching for food. It's always surprising when Sandhill Cranes show up. I assume they must stay around the area. There have been nesting pairs a few times.

These two were looking for food while the rain came down. They were along the park drive toward 76th street.
A Wood Duck was going somewhere beyond the lily pads.
The lake was gray and the trees dark.
Today was not rainy but already hot at 9 am. There were two Blue Heron on the lake although at opposite ends. This one had some Mallards for company.
This Honda motorcycle has nothing to do with nature. I suppose you could say it flies. Just a neat machine in the Nature Center parking lot. I don't have any idea who it belongs to.
Of the 31 dragon flies shown for Wisconsin, this isn't one of them. It's probably common but I didn't find it. The photograph was taken at 1/1000 of a second while it was hovering. Its positioning of its front legs behind its head is interesting.
The Caspian Tern was around at the end of last week. This a better photograph of it lifting off out of the water.
This is its entry into the lake. it didn't catch a fish even with all the effort.
I think this is a beaver ... and an interesting reflection. It was moving too fast and was bigger than a Muskrat but I've been fooled before.
With recent rains there's finally water coming over the dam again.
One of the many little flying insects.
Another mosquito.
Probably a Red-Belted Bumble Bee. Seen on the prairie.
A Common Thread-Waisted Wasp. It's about an inch long.
The center of a Chicory flower.
On days of few insects (and other days) observing the attack of plant leaves by many, many creatures. Most are too small to see as is this one. The spot is about 1/4 inch in diameter. The white spot protrudes slightly but has no texture at the magnification I have. Leave attacks such as this are studied but I suspect there are many that don't have descriptions. I looked a bit for this one but didn't find anything.