My Mental Health is shot why - I am pretty much exhausted from job hunting, managing a very very tight food budget and wondering about the future.

I have essentially spent 3 months of being Homeless, of which one month was officially needing temporary accommodation

The experience is one I hope many others do not have to go through

But for those worried about the future - do get in touch. I have a lot of experience and like to advise people

If your lucky to still have a job and your worried about the next 5 years of work and security, then drop me a line. I can do CV upgrades, tell you my story, help you solve problems and put you in touch with opportunities and useful services.

I will be honest - some people I will help for free, some people I will only charge £12 or $20 USD per hour and for some up to £50 for one off tasks. If you're a business exec - expect standard business rates.

In the meantime just because I have a Masters and a full honours and vast industry experience, doesn't mean that I am somehow magically not at risk - and nor are you. It can happen to anyone.

In the meantime - I am also looking for a solid employment post. I have unique expertise that can be passed on. I also enjoy operations management.

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