Yesterday, I was out for a walk on my own - a rare occurrence these days! - and I decided to treat myself to a coffee. As I sat in the coffee shop, enjoying my drink, I noticed groups of people around having lovely chats with each other, and it hit me that I felt lonely. I don't feel lonely often but yesterday was a difficult day for that. I am missing adult conversations with people other than my children. I don't necessarily want someone around every day to talk to - that would drive me crazy - but every now and then it would be nice to have someone to chat with over a coffee.

Do you ever fight with loneliness? How do you cope? I ended up coming home, and being quiet all afternoon and then decided to journal. Journaling definitely helped - I should remember to do that more often.

Most of us feel lonely every now and then and it's okay to feel lonely. Most of the time it's a fleeting emotion and then we feel better. I feel much better today, despite the lack of sleep I had from a very cranky baby!!

175 Lonely Quotes | Feeling Loneliness & Being Alone

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