I used to believe the tarot was bullshit but the more I listened the more I was able to weed out the readers. There are good readers and there are bad readers I have found.

Over the past several months I have found one reader in particular to be quite accurate and I've been impressed with her readings.

The more I looked into the taroT there are a number of cards there are your base cards in your clarifying cards so there's basically no way you're going to get the same reading is someone else. That's why you need a good reader to be able to read the cards.

I find astrology to be more accurate but you also need a good astrologer. Someone with experience someone that really enjoys what they're doing and you can tell the enjoy it and some are just doing it for the money.

I don't follow either sources verbatim are use them as guides only and yes they are helpful to me at least.