Reconciliation (2008) by Benazir Bhutto is a brilliant read.

The book was written in the last period of former Prime Minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto's life after she came back to Pakistan in 2007. In the book she speaks about the history of Pakistan, her love for her religion Islam, the history and relationship between the east and the west and human rights issues especially women's rights. The book is an excellent book but also a heavy read. It is definitely a deep read so readers need to be prepared for that before they begin reading but if a deeper read is what you are looking for it is excellent.

Benazir's writing style is very conversational and she seems like she was a wonderful woman. It is so heartbreaking how she lost her life in such an untimely way and in the book you read about so many other people losing their lives due to senseless violence and fights for power. You can clearly see in the book how dedicated, passionate and warm Benazir was and how she wished to see people come together and find peace. The book is very thought-provoking and interesting. The book includes much history about Pakistan and how Muslim nations have been treated badly by the west. She writes at length about her dreams for democracy in her home country but how many Muslim nations have not been properly equipped to be democratic due to past negative encounters with the west. But she is fair to all and says that there is also a need for Muslim nations to help each other. It is a really amazing write and I deeply admire that she was so determined to get this book and her gorgeous message of peace and love across at such a dangerous time in her own life. She is a true inspiration.

A must-read.

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