Pincushion Cactus Flowers -- Image by kenne

When most people think of cactus in the Sonoran Desert, the image that comes to mind is the giant saguaro cactus. 
The saguaro grows only in the Sonoran Desert is one of the largest cacti. The saguaro cactus is a symbol of the American Southwest. 
Its inner meaning expresses the idea of standing tall, adapting to the environment, and providing shelter and nourishment for others.
Given its stature and authority, it holds a grandfatherly type of wisdom. 

Because saguaros are so common in the Tucson area, it is home to one of this nation's national parks, the Saguaro National Park. 
However, it is not the most common cactus in the Sonoran Desert. That honor goes to the little pincushion cactus. 
Being so small and often in the shadows of the giant saguaro, their chances of being noticed are slim unless they are blooming.

-- kenne