Graham brings his list up to date during a brief lunch break at Cley NWT
Yesterday it was my 'duty day' at Cley NWT - on this occasion being joined by my able and enthusiastic assistant Graham. During the course of the day we amassed quite a list - around 65 species in total, including several lifers for him. Whilst Long-billed Dowitcher was undoubtably the rarest, his 'top pick' was the group of four Green Sandpipers on Snipe's Marsh, with a couple of juvenile Water Rail thrown in for good measure. Nine gull species including Caspian, Yellow-legged, Little and Med was another highlight. We did also see Kittiwake on a brief sea-watch at Cromer afterwards making it a 10 larid day. Plenty of birding memories there for this budding ornithologist. Thanks goes to NENBC for their support and encouragement to Graham during his visit.

... a budding artist too