Blue Hour At Dog N Suds
We don't have enough neon signs in the area anymore. When the light is good a quick photo with a neon sign is not far away from me though. The Dog N Suds sign always looks good during the blue hour light. The colors just compliment the blue sky behind it. Here things worked out to make a photo that I really liked. I need to just go for a drive some night and mark down all of the neon signs that I find.
Returning To A Scene
This was probably the fifth time that I attempted a photo at this spot in the span of a couple of weeks. I really wanted the perfect sky at blue hour, and here it looked the best by far. Sometimes you don't have the opportunity to make photos over and over, but when you do have that chance you have to make the most of it. As I am writing this I am thinking about another photo that can be made at our local drive in.